It is a little over 2 hours from the conclusion of tonight's embarassing Game 6 loss to th Atlanta Hawks. And as a Boston Celtic fan, I am still stewing mad. I am legit pissed off. What better way to vent my anger then typing away on my very own blog. Without further adeiu here is my venting session.
1) Since when does Kevin Garnett play soft? This is by far what annoyed me most from Game 6. KG is the reason that the Celtics were the best team in the NBA regular season this year. Now when the Celtics need him the most he becomes soft and passive? What happened to the intense Kevin Garnett that Boston fans have come to know and love? Why is he not beasting bleeping Zaza Pachullia? Why does he play 15 feet away from the basket and fade away on every jump shot? Get it together KG. Yes, I am calling you out.
2) For the first time this series, Rajon Rondo looked like a second year point guard. He often forced passes that weren't there, took unneccesary shots, and played zero defense. Sam Cassell was of little help as well in Game 6. In order for the Celtics to (gasp) advance to the second round, they need far better play from their point guards.
3) I now hate Zaza Pachullia with a passion. He is in the middle of every scrum and seemingly causing all kinds of problems. How he got Paul Pierce to foul out tonight is beyond me. There was absolutely no way that Pierce should have been called for the foul underneath the basket. I am not one to complain about officiating because I feel it is a variable that is uncontrollable in all of sports. But the officiating tonight was less than lackluster. Maybe they got caught up in the raucous, albeit fairweather Atlanta atmosphere but either way, I am expecting some makeup calls come Game 7.
4) Doc is not to blame for this abyssmal series. The problem is he will be the fall guy if this disaster continues. The man who was second in coach of the year balloting may very well not have a job in Boston next season if this travesty continues. And that is beyond unfair. If you are looking for someone to blame look no further than #5, #20, and #34. After all they are "the Big Three" aren't they?
5) I must credit James Posey. He played incredible defense on Joe Johnson forcing him to hoist a prayer with time running out on the shot clock. To Johnson's credit, he nailed it. In my eyes, James Posey and Leon Powe are the only Celts who realize they are in the playoffs. Posey has hit huge shots time and again and his defense has been tight. Leon has been scrappy, the definition of a blue collar hustler. He takes charges, fights for rebounds, and dives after loose balls. If the rest of the team could follow in their path, we would not be in this mess.
I will say that we may have underestimated the Hawks. Should this series have gone this far? Absolutely not. But I will give credit where credit is due. The young athleticism has given the Celtics fits. This series has done wonders for the careers of Josh Smith, Al Horford, and Joe Johnson. With a good draft and some free agent pickups, the Hawks would be similair to the Washngton Wizards and they will be more competitive in years to come.
The only series in the first round going 7 games is the Celtics-Hawks. Who would have thunk it?
Sunday May 4. TD Banknorth Garden. 1:00.
Game 7.
1 comment:
anyone else think Pachula looks like sloth from the goonies?
Heyyyyyyy you guyssssssssssssssssss!!!
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