When I woke up this morning and read Steve Buckley's column in the Boston Herald this morning I instantly laughed. Julio Lugo lashed out at reporters after blowing a game last night in Detroit. A routine ground ball proved to be insurmountable to Lugo as he bobbled it and was unable to make a play on former Red Sox shortstop Edgar Renteria.
This opened the proverbial flood gates as Detroit went on to beat the Sox. And yes this loss can be blamed solely on Julio Lugo. This was Lugo's quote:
“I don’t care, but sometimes it would be nice to say something positive,” he said. “But all the time it’s negative things, you know? Sometimes, you know, people should say something that’s positive. But every time it’s something negative . . . bring it up, bring it up, bring it up. Why? I understand you (the media) are going to write whatever you want . . . but I come here every day and bust my ass . . . if things don’t work out sometimes, that’s the way it’s going to be. You understand? But sometimes you bring up the same things . . . You get tired of that."
Frankly, Julio, I am tired of calling you my shortstop. I think I can speak for all Red Sox fans with that statement. We did not want you last year. And we sure as hell do not want you this year. If you want us to say something positive, do something that warrants us in doing so. My only memory of anything that could resemble a praiseworthy comment is you knocked in the winning run in last year's Mother's Day Miracle against Baltimore. Wait a minute, that actually came via an error. So no, you have not done anything notable, (other than be flat out terrible in Boston) in your time here.
10 errors in 33 games? For God's sake Julio field the damn baseball! I have already accepted the fact that you can't hit worth a damn, is it to much to ask for you to field the baseball? No Julio, we do not want you here in Boston. We bring up the same things because you do the same things time and time again. Cry in Boston? Remember Julio you played in an atmosphere where no one cared in Tampa Bay. But you came here and signed a 4 year 36 million dollar contract and understood the consequences that would result from your play.
The bottom line is you are awful. I would have absolutely no problem with Jed Lowrie being the starting shortstop in Boston.
I have no problem saying, Bye Bye Julio!